Thursday, March 3, 2011

What cha been up to??

Yes Virginia there is a blogger still alive over here. I just have a life too! And a full time job and I spend a lot of time at the law office too. And I just got called to be the Primary Chorister, 3rd hardest job a woman can have in our church. I know because I have had all the easier ones and one harder one. If you do it right it's seriously time consuming and labor intensive and takes vast amounts of spiritual and temporal preparation.
Isn't everything though? If you do it right....
Like my favorite holiday reminds me, some things take time. And how we spend our time can really help us understand what's really important. Okay it's Ground Hog Day in case you didn't know, and of course we make Ground Hog Stew and watch the movie. It's wonderful and I love the lesson of spending time...
So I am about to have a little chat with one of my children about spending time wisely. Because parents have to do that if they want productive children and their children are not naturally overachievers. (Waiting for one of those.)
I wonder if we really kept track and pie charted our time what it would look like?? I found one online and it showed average Americans spend 54% of leisure time watching TV. So I am ahead already. What have I been doing with all that extra time?? I sure haven't been scrubbing my bathtub.
SO I am going to keep track for a week and average it for a pie chart. I had better get busy doing good things huh?!


Anonymous said...

Love you Mommy. =)

Anonymous said...

Love you Mommy =)